Monday, June 28, 2010

While we have the chance...

Before this lovely, optimistic mood of mine drops, I wanted to get a few things out (Regardless of the lack of followers I have. But that is okay, I will have some, someday. =) )

I just love how we work. How people work.
Look at us, we are all so similar. So creative. From the smallest child to the oldest person. We are all so similar.

We all want, need, and crave.
We all feel happiness, sadness, lonliness, hate.
We all have likes and dislikes.
And we all crave one thing in life.

I think my craving is to have something constant.
I feel like I am in a world of variables that keep whirling and dancing past me, and I can't keep up with them. So I am left in this storm of variables that are testing and trying me, only to fly past me when I am close to solving them.

So yes, I want something constant. That I can turn to. That will make me feel safe, and that will calm the storm.

At the moment, I am trying to find this in art. Whether it is performing or visual art, I am trying to find my constant.

But, I don't think something this tangible is that constant I am craving.

I would like to know, (this is directed at my FUTURE followers, because I WILL have some, someday) What are you craving in your life?

Whether its something small, something big, or nothing. Leave me a comment and tell me why.

Thats all for now,


A little bit of hope for the world.

So, today, I was outside a gas station. I saw the following;

There was an old homeless man with a puppy, standing there. Just waiting for someone to notice him. No one did. Save for this one little girl, who walked over to him, and handed him a $5 note. Her mother scorned her, saying that "Men like that only use your money for bad things."

The little girl just replied, "But mommy! You said I could spend my money however I wanted!"

The homeless man took no notice of this inconsiderate woman, and went into the gas station. I watched him come out. Not only, did he come out with food. But it was for the tiny little puppy that he had as his companion.

Little girls, being kind to strangers, who can't afford their own food, but still would give it away to save another life. They give me hope for the rest of the world.

Thats all for now,


The human factor.

Lies. So many lies.

We all lie. I lie. I lie too much.
Why do we lie?
I have a feeling it is a self-preservation thing. Or an attention seeking thing. I know I do it for attention.
Yes, that sounds horrible, doesnt it? Well, maybe it is. Or maybe I am just like everyone else, fighting for someone to notice me.

I'm sure you have lied for attention before, so don't judge me for it.
I realise I don't have any followers at the moment, but if I get some, or if you are reading this, I would like you to tell me, anonymously, what is the worst/biggest/most ridiculous lie that you have ever told. And have you told anyone that it was a lie?

I have lied about a lot of things. It probably makes me a bad person. But you know why I am okay with that? Because, I at least realise that it makes me a bad person. I don't try to fool myself into believing that I am not.

I know a lot of people will hate for this, but here are my worst lies.

While my best friends current boyfriend was 'wooing' her, I got bored. She was worried that he wasn't the faithful kind of guy, I told her he was. I lied. That very same day, I had gotten with him at the movies.

Another one about a guy, he really liked me. Again, I was bored. So I got with him. (Yesss, terribly slutty I know. But, lets just look at it as 'empowering.') He then told me how much he liked me. I felt bad, and lied. Saying that, while I had feelings for him (I didn't) I was too scared of relationships because of my last boyfriend being a complete and utter assface. (Hey, there was some truth in that story. (= )

I have lied about terrible, terrible things to get attention. I have betrayed friends, family, and myself in the process.

So tell me, do these lies make me a bad human being? Or do they just make me a human being.
Feel free to hate, I am expecting it.

And tell me a whopper that you have told. Get it off your chest here. I will not judge =)

Thats all for now,


I'd like sprinkles with that, thanks.

What is it about icecream that makes us love it so?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that when we are eating icecream, we aren't thinking about anything. Other then the icecream. It takes our minds to a different place, where there is no worry. There is just icecream.

Do you see what I am getting at?
No? Well, that's okay. I am willing to explain. If you will hear it out.
We are all involved in our own lives. Of corse we are. But, sometimes we get so involved, that the smallest things seem to be a lot more important then they are. Is it really going to matter that, that person stole your parking space? Does it actually bother you that your friends have started talking to someone you don't like? Does it impact you at all that you don't like Paris, or Lindsay, or Miley yet they are all in the spot light?

Okay, I know. Those are stupid examples, but what I am getting at is that sometimes, we have to try to just overlook the stupid space-stealing, friend-distracting, Paris-Lindsay-Mileys of the world. Even though at the time, it might seem like the hardest thing to do.

We all just need to take a step back, and enjoy our icecream.

Thats all for now,
