Monday, June 28, 2010

While we have the chance...

Before this lovely, optimistic mood of mine drops, I wanted to get a few things out (Regardless of the lack of followers I have. But that is okay, I will have some, someday. =) )

I just love how we work. How people work.
Look at us, we are all so similar. So creative. From the smallest child to the oldest person. We are all so similar.

We all want, need, and crave.
We all feel happiness, sadness, lonliness, hate.
We all have likes and dislikes.
And we all crave one thing in life.

I think my craving is to have something constant.
I feel like I am in a world of variables that keep whirling and dancing past me, and I can't keep up with them. So I am left in this storm of variables that are testing and trying me, only to fly past me when I am close to solving them.

So yes, I want something constant. That I can turn to. That will make me feel safe, and that will calm the storm.

At the moment, I am trying to find this in art. Whether it is performing or visual art, I am trying to find my constant.

But, I don't think something this tangible is that constant I am craving.

I would like to know, (this is directed at my FUTURE followers, because I WILL have some, someday) What are you craving in your life?

Whether its something small, something big, or nothing. Leave me a comment and tell me why.

Thats all for now,


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