Monday, June 28, 2010

I'd like sprinkles with that, thanks.

What is it about icecream that makes us love it so?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that when we are eating icecream, we aren't thinking about anything. Other then the icecream. It takes our minds to a different place, where there is no worry. There is just icecream.

Do you see what I am getting at?
No? Well, that's okay. I am willing to explain. If you will hear it out.
We are all involved in our own lives. Of corse we are. But, sometimes we get so involved, that the smallest things seem to be a lot more important then they are. Is it really going to matter that, that person stole your parking space? Does it actually bother you that your friends have started talking to someone you don't like? Does it impact you at all that you don't like Paris, or Lindsay, or Miley yet they are all in the spot light?

Okay, I know. Those are stupid examples, but what I am getting at is that sometimes, we have to try to just overlook the stupid space-stealing, friend-distracting, Paris-Lindsay-Mileys of the world. Even though at the time, it might seem like the hardest thing to do.

We all just need to take a step back, and enjoy our icecream.

Thats all for now,


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