Monday, June 28, 2010

A little bit of hope for the world.

So, today, I was outside a gas station. I saw the following;

There was an old homeless man with a puppy, standing there. Just waiting for someone to notice him. No one did. Save for this one little girl, who walked over to him, and handed him a $5 note. Her mother scorned her, saying that "Men like that only use your money for bad things."

The little girl just replied, "But mommy! You said I could spend my money however I wanted!"

The homeless man took no notice of this inconsiderate woman, and went into the gas station. I watched him come out. Not only, did he come out with food. But it was for the tiny little puppy that he had as his companion.

Little girls, being kind to strangers, who can't afford their own food, but still would give it away to save another life. They give me hope for the rest of the world.

Thats all for now,


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